[Comprehensive] Policy whiplash and strict protection Clothing industry usher in new opportunities for development

Our protective clothing has ushered in a new opportunity for development.

This year, the State Administration of Work Safety released a notice of the "Safety Production Standards, the 13th Five-Year Plan for Development," which includes the "13th Five-Year Development Plan for Individual Protective Equipment." As the most widely used personal protective equipment The popularity of "protective clothing", its protection function and equipment requirements, naturally also among them.

Nowadays, many companies' protective clothing has made significant progress in fabric selection and style design compared with the past. After satisfying the requirements of appearance changes, some companies have also increasingly turned their attention to the protective function of clothing.

Recently, industry experts on the use of protective clothing, protective clothing manufacturers, and inspection and inspection institutions have gathered in Wuhan to discuss the needs of enterprises for protective clothing and the protective functions and development trends of protective clothing.

Gap: Fire-retardant fiber production is much more useless

Participating experts believe that in China's protective clothing, there are two types of protective clothing: thermal protective clothing and chemical protective clothing that are directly related to safety production and have a big gap with the world's advanced level, and require thermal protective clothing (ie, flame retardant Protective clothing) The workplace is more common.

Some experts believe that if the operators at the scene wear protective clothing that is flame-retardant, their entire body will be obviously protected. Also, chemical fibers of some garments tend to produce molten droplets at high temperatures, causing secondary damage to human skin. In reality, some enterprises with inflammable and explosive risks, especially some small and medium-sized enterprises, can provide fire-retardant protective clothing to employees, or a few.

According to relevant experts, China is already the world’s largest producer of flame-retardant fibers, and the quality of some varieties has reached or exceeded international standards. However, although China's flame-retardant fibers are produced much, they are used less often. Why use less fire-retardant clothing? There are only two reasons: the company's lack of awareness of protection, or its unwillingness to increase production costs due to fire-retardant clothing. Similarly, there are similar problems in the field of industrial chemical protective clothing. For example, the more powerful chemical protective clothing, the less economic vigor. Of course, in the field of chemical protective clothing, China is still relatively backward. Some chemical companies use mostly European or American standard chemical protective clothing. About the current situation of clothing flame-retardant materials, expert analysis, the use of materials, flame-retardant protective clothing, flame retardant does not decay, formaldehyde-free, environmental health; and the use of post-treatment flame retardant materials, cheap, but the flame retardant attenuation , And sustained release of formaldehyde and so on.

Sinopec: protective clothing equipped with many bright spots

Although companies still have a lot of work to do in the provision of protective clothing, companies that have made great strides have emerged. The person in charge of Sinopec International Business Wuhan Co., Ltd. was invited to speak at the seminar and explained in detail the “Sinopec apparel protection needs”. They communicated with the person in charge of the protective clothing manufacturer who arrived at the scene and made people peek into some practices that are worth learning and learning from.

Over the years, Sinopec Group Company's emphasis on apparel protection has been more active. In 2014, the company released the "Technical Requirements for Labor Protection Clothing", which stipulates the use of protective clothing labels, fabric colors, reflective strips, etc. Among them, the "performance and testing requirements, garment production units and performance inspection unit qualification requirements" were also proposed.

Expectations: Stir the market with standard equipment

The communication between the person in charge of the protective clothing manufacturer and the person in charge of the Sinopec International Business Wuhan Co., Ltd. touched upon a common topic: that is, the mandatory standards for protective equipment that are still in development.

At the seminar, Cai Zhong, the deputy secretary-general of the National Personal Protective Equipment Technical Committee and the deputy secretary-general of China Labor Protective Equipment Federation, introduced the "13th Five-Year Development Plan for Individual Protective Equipment". It is reported that the management standard in the "Personal Protective Equipment Standard Subsystem" is the "Personal Protective Equipment Equipped Specification".

Cai Zhong said that in the face of the current problems in thermal protective clothing and chemical protective clothing, first, garment manufacturers strictly implement the state's mandatory production standards for various types of protective clothing, which is the basis. The second is that after the "Personal Protective Equipment Provisioning Regulations" are issued, all enterprises must be equipped according to national requirements. In this way, the so-called financial obstacles that companies have incurred because of the purchase of protective equipment will also be solved. He also explained and explained the process of the revision of relevant standards.

He believes that with the introduction and implementation of various types of standards for personal protective equipment, under the guidance of standards, under the strict supervision of all levels of government, China’s labor protection work will gradually break with the backward situation of the past and set foot on A new step. Among them, the protective clothing market may be the biggest change. Chemical protective clothing does not have the shortcomings of the Chinese standard and will soon be resolved.

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