Cotton should be re-applied with organic fertilizer

In view of the current problems in the application of organic fertilizers on cotton fertilization, the high use of nitrogen fertilizer, the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage, the general lack of fertilizer in the later period, and the lack of attention to zinc fertilizer application in zinc-deficient boron soil, the following scientific fertilization methods are adopted: The combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer; control the total amount of nitrogen fertilizer, adjust the proportion of base and topdressing, reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage, and implement the shift of nitrogen fertilizer; the long-term constant monitoring of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the lack of supplements in the trace elements. According to the sowing method, the deep application of the base fertilizer is carried out by means of strip application and hole application. Immediately after application, a layer of soil is planted and then planted. The depth of the cover soil needs to be above 6.7 cm; the application of the top dressing or the hole should also cover the soil. More than 6.7 cm; apply boron fertilizer to the soil with boron deficiency.

First, the application rate of organic fertilizer: about 4000 kg per mu.

Second, the application rate of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium: per mu yield of lint yield is less than 100 kg, 16 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 7 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 12 kg of potassium fertilizer; the yield per mu of lint is 100-150 kg, and the application of nitrogen fertilizer is 15 kg. 6 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 11 kg of potash fertilizer; the yield per mu of lint is more than 150 kg, 14 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 5.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 10 kg of potassium fertilizer.

Third, the amount of boron fertilizer application: for the boron-deficient soil, 1 kg of boron fertilizer per acre.

In the proportion of fertilization, base fertilizer: 2000 kg of organic fertilizer, 30% of total nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, and 60% of total phosphorus fertilizer; flower bell fertilizer: 1000 kg of organic fertilizer per mu, 20 of total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer %; top top fertilizer: 1000 kg of organic fertilizer per mu, 50% of total nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and 20% of total phosphate fertilizer.

Source: Hunan Science and Technology News
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