Machine inserted rice fertilization technology

The total amount of fertilized rice was roughly equivalent to that of artificial hand-planted rice. However, how to apply it at various times is different for rice transplanting and general rice transplanting. The reason is mainly due to the low node and the long tillering period of tillering of rice transplanted rice. In order to control the number of panicles in the appropriate range, the focus of fertilizer operation should be to improve the application period of tillering fertilizer to adjust the optimal tillering node and Control the mid-term population, and increase the application of panicle fertilizer, promote the differentiation of the floret, and strive for the big ear.

The characteristics of rice transplanted into rice and hand-inserted rice determine the ratio of base fertilizer to tiller fertilizer. Generally, the ratio of rice base fertilizer to base manure is about 70%, and tiller fertilizer accounts for 30%; while the ratio of machine-planted rice base fertilizer to base manure is 30% to 40%, and tiller fertilizer accounts for 60% to 70%. %. Because of the long seedling period of the transplanted rice, the roots of the mechanical transplanting are heavy, the new roots are slow, and the excessive base fertilizer can not be used, which will lead to the fattening of the seedlings, and the frequent loss of fertilizer due to frequent irrigation and drainage after transplanting. Reduced fertilizer utilization. From the test results, the first time to return to the second heart after 7 days of planting, the first time to return to the green manure fertilizer, combined with the use of small seedling herbicides, the method is to mix the urea and rice field seedling herbicide together with moist fine soil, After 3 to 5 hours of stacking, apply water 5 to 7 cm in the evening. After the application, the water layer in the field is kept for 5 to 7 days, and at the same time, the water shortage is opened to prevent the rain from drowning, causing the medicine to be stagnant or even phytotoxic, so as to improve the elimination effect. For the field where the pesticide has been sterilized before planting, the herbicide can not be used again to prevent phytotoxicity caused by continuous use. After 12 to 14 days after planting, the fertilizer will be applied once again; after 18 days of planting, the seedlings can be applied once again, and it is generally appropriate to repel the body in time after the effective tillering age. Avoid too much, too late application of tiller fertilizer, causing the population to be too large, affecting the rate of ear formation and the formation of large ears.

Spike fertilizer is not only conducive to consolidating the number of panicles, but also conducive to attacking large panicles, but it is necessary to prevent excessive growth of leaf area to form a well-configured canopy structure; it can expand the reservoir, form more total number of spikelets, and be strong The “source” is “flowing” and forms a higher ratio of grain to leaf, which is beneficial to increase the seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. Spike fertilizer is generally divided into two applications: flower fertilizer and flower fertilizer.

Promoting flower fertilizer mainly promotes the differentiation of rice ear branches and spikelets, and increases the number of spikelets per panicle. Generally, in the initial stage of panicle differentiation, that is, the leaf age is about 13.5 leaves, the specific application time and dosage should be determined by the seedling condition; if the leaf color is normal and faded, the urea can be applied 8 to 12 kg per mu, if the leaf color is deep and not faded , can delay and reduce the amount of fertilizer; if the leaf color is lighter, the flower fertilizer can be applied 3 to 5 days in advance, and the dosage is appropriately increased; if the leaf color is dark, the application may be omitted.

The flower-preserving fertilizer is generally applied 18 to 20 days before the earing, that is, when the leaf age is 1.5 to 1.2. The specific application period should be determined by stripping the remaining leaf age of more than 10 single stems, and when 50% of the effective stem and leaf age is the remainder When it is not more than 1.2, it is suitable for the application of flower-preserving fertilizer. The dosage is generally 7.5 kg of urea per acre, which can be applied to shallow leaves and small population growth, but should not exceed 10 kg/mu; on the contrary, less or no application.

Source: Hunan Science and Technology News Author: Tanren Zhong
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