Nepenthes temperature management method

Nepenthes temperature management method:

Nepenthes are widely distributed, ranging from flatlands to high mountains over three kilometers above sea level. In horticulture, they are divided into two categories according to their altitude distribution: high land and low land. Nepenthes grown in the high mountains above 1200 m above sea level are highland species. The cultivation temperature is 21 °C during the day and 10 °C during the night. The pitcher plants growing on flat land or below 1200 m are low-lying species, and the cultivation temperature is 29 ° C during the day and 21 ° C during the night. The temperature difference between day and night is very helpful for the growth of pitcher plants, and the seasonal changes are not important. Low pitcher plants grow in low latitudes, and the changes in the four seasons are not obvious, and the temperature throughout the year will not be much different. However, the high pitcher plant grows on the high mountains and is characterized by a large temperature difference between day and night, up to 10 °C.

Low pitcher plants: Low pitcher plants are not afraid of heat, and there are no strict requirements for temperature difference between day and night. However, some lowland pitcher plants are very cold-tolerant. After the temperature is lower than 15 °C, the growth will slow down or stagnate; when the temperature is lower than 10 °C, the plant may be frostbitten or even die. Therefore, the necessary heating measures should be taken when the winter is cold.

Nepenthes in the Highlands: The pitcher's requirements for temperature are more stringent, and temperature control is often the key to successful cultivation. The need to cultivate highland pitcher plants must provide the necessary temperature difference. When the cultivation amount is small, you can buy a refrigerator for selling beverages, that is, a refrigerator with a glass door, so that the light can be irradiated from the outside.

The temperature of the refrigerator can be set at the time of purchase to set the temperature required for cultivation. If temperature control is not achieved, only a few high-grade species of Nepenthes can be cultivated in the lowlands, but in the summer it will grow poorly due to high temperatures, and will only grow normally in winter. Many highland pitcher plants are always unable to grow healthily, and have a close relationship with the temperature difference between day and night. Some players who cultivate the pitcher pitches in the refrigerator at constant temperature often mention that the pitcher plants grow slowly. The artificial temperature control of the temperature difference between day and night can accelerate the growth of pitcher plants.

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