Vegetable garden reforming and fertilizing technology

The blind application of chemical fertilizers in vegetable fields will not only cause malnutrition or overnutrition of vegetable plants, but also lead to soil fertility decline, soil microflora imbalance, soil nutrient imbalance and salinization, resulting in serious vegetable pests and diseases, increased residual toxicity, and decreased quality. The output is unstable.

For vegetable fields with increasingly serious fertilizers, a variety of soil-reinforcing techniques must be used to increase soil fertility and fertility. At present, the commonly used soil improvement and fertilization technologies are:

1. Deepen the tillage layer During the planting of each vegetable, use the interval to carry out deep tillage, thicken the mature soil layer, and enhance the soil water storage and fertilizer retention capacity, so as to increase the amount of fertilizer application and reduce the number of fertilization times. The easiest way is to plow 2-3 cm of soil every year, expand the root absorption range, and increase nutrient supply.

2. Adding organic fertilizers to apply organic fertilizers rich in organic matter such as decomposed organic fertilizer or bio-organic fertilizer, increase soil organic matter and increase the substitution of salt-based ions, thereby increasing soil fertility. The rich colloidal organic humification process can improve the soil aggregate structure, enhance soil permeability and retain water and heat storage capacity, make the soil loose and fertile, alleviate soil salinization, promote vegetable root development and improve its resistance to disease and disaster.

3. Adding fine clay minerals For the vegetable fields with serious fertilizer damage, high-quality clay minerals such as montmorillonite are used as the guest soil to increase soil cation exchange capacity, restore soil productivity of vegetable fields, and improve fertility.

4. Rotating aquatic vegetables and dryland vegetables rotation, vegetable and sweet corn crop rotation, vegetable and legume crop rotation, melon and onion rotation can reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, reduce the toxicity of toxins, and overcome the serious diseases. Hazard occurred. For the vegetable fields that have been planted for many years, you can also grasp the season and relax properly. For example, open-air vegetable fields can be used to deepen the soil and frozen soil during winter leisure, eliminate the source of pests and diseases, and restore the ground force.

5. Application of trace element fertilizer According to different vegetable varieties and soil nutrients, selective application of zinc, borax, ammonium molybdate, copper sulfate, manganese sulfate and other trace element fertilizers to supplement the deficiency of trace elements in soil to meet vegetable production Need for trace elements. At the same time, it can also improve the ability of vegetables to absorb and utilize large and medium-sized elements, and overcome the shortcomings of soil nutrient excess caused by improper fertilization.

6. Irrigation treatment and irrigation treatment, both for soil disinfection and desalting. Drainage after a certain period of flooding in the summer or other idle periods, can increase the ground temperature, maintain the state of reduction, and eliminate salt by sterilization.

Source: Ningxia News Network
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