Home lighting problems are very important to guard against indoor light pollution

When it comes to indoor light pollution, many people may be unfamiliar, but most people have been poisoned by it: When the light of the home is too bright, it will feel dizzy after a long time; in a room that is too bright for decoration, sometimes it will be Feeling of stinging eyes ... light pollution not only stimulates our vision, but also affects our brain's central nervous system. It is our top priority to understand the hazards of indoor light pollution and take measures to effectively avoid it.

First, what is indoor light pollution

Under normal circumstances, the light reflection coefficient of the roof and walls should be less than 60%, and the ground should be 15% to 35%. Excessively bright decorative surface will make the reflection coefficient as high as 90%, exceeding the human body's tolerance range. Exposure to such a highly reflective, colorless environment may cause damage to the cornea and iris, resulting in visual fatigue or decreased vision, increasing the incidence of cataracts.

Second, indoor light pollution hazards

Indoor light pollution not only causes visual fatigue or decreased vision, but also disrupts normal circadian rhythms and induces neurasthenia and insomnia. "Light pollution" has a particularly severe impact on infants and young children, which not only impairs vision but also affects the development of vision.

Some families choose lights and light sources, in order to pursue romance, luxury, often ignore the need for reasonable lighting, the light design is colorful. Experts believe that the color of the messy lights, in addition to endangering vision, but also interfere with the central nervous system function. People living under excessive, uncoordinated light radiation for a long time may experience symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness, insomnia, and depression, and may even have elevated blood pressure, palpitations, and fever.

Light fixture

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