Feng Shui Taboo: Decoding 2011 New Home Air Conditioning Feng Shui

Home feng shui is made up of various elements in the home. Indoor air conditioners use cold air and hot air to adjust the room temperature, which not only changes the living comfort of the home, but also creates a magnetic field due to the air blowing from the air conditioner, which greatly changes the feng shui of the living room. When summer arrives, air conditioning will become the protagonist of home appliances in this season, bringing cool comfort to us in hot weather.

Gree air conditioner

Although the age of air conditioners entering the country is not very old, it has become an essential household appliance in people's lives because of its unique function of regulating temperature. Many young people, in order to live comfortably, installed air-conditioners in almost every room in their homes. When they were hot, they refrigerated and when they were cold, they warmed themselves and created a four-hour spring environment.

Home feng shui is made up of various elements in the home. The use of cold air and hot air to adjust the room temperature in the air-conditioner not only changes the living comfort of the home, but also creates a magnetic field in the air blown out by the air conditioner, which greatly changes the feng shui of the living room.

Home feng shui is made up of various elements in the home. Indoor air conditioners use cold air and hot air to adjust the room temperature, which not only changes the living comfort of the home, but also creates a magnetic field due to the air blowing from the air conditioner, which greatly changes the feng shui of the living room. When summer arrives, air conditioning will become the protagonist of home appliances in this season, bringing cool comfort to us in hot weather.

This also prompts us not to neglect the placement of air-conditioners so as not to adversely affect our feng shui home. To make full use of the positive effects of air conditioning, we will add more good luck to our home feng shui.

The operation of the air conditioner can not only activate the aerodynamic energy of Geely's azimuth, but also increase the awkward azimuth energy; it can either turn the outside air flow into the home or blow away the indoor air flow.

In general, if the air conditioner is placed at the lucky position, the wind of the air conditioner will blow the auspicious air into the room and bring good luck to the family. On the other hand, if the air conditioner happens to be in an unlucky position, it will blow up the bad air flow and increase the energy of bad luck, which will be detrimental to the family's fortune.

The five-point taboo of Feng Shui in air conditioners reminds everyone to pay attention. First of all, avoid these taboos, and then look at how to find a more suitable position, in order to achieve the effect of tending evil spirits.

Home feng shui is made up of various elements in the home. Indoor air conditioners use cold air and hot air to adjust the room temperature, which not only changes the living comfort of the home, but also creates a magnetic field due to the air blowing from the air conditioner, which greatly changes the feng shui of the living room. When summer arrives, air conditioning will become the protagonist of home appliances in this season, bringing cool comfort to us in hot weather.

First, the air outlet is not facing the door

If the air-conditioning is directly opposite the door, it will violate the principle of Feng Shui’s “collection of wind and wind”. Not only can it not gather money, but it also has the worry of losing money, and it does not gather popularity. Therefore, we must pay attention to this point. If room is limited due to the room, air conditioning and the door have to face the situation, it is best to change the air conditioning point of view, so that it is not right with the door.

Second, the air conditioning outlet can not be directly blow the human body

If the outlet of the air conditioner blows directly on the sofa or bed in the living room, it will affect the health of the family first, and secondly it will also have an adverse effect on its fortune.

Everyone should have common sense in life. Air-conditioned air is blowing and people are cool, but it is easy to get a cold, even a stroke. Lighter shoulders and arms are affected by the wind. Severe persons may be distorted with hands and eyes and language barriers may occur.

Sitting on the sofa and being blown by the air-conditioner, the magnetic field behind the air is easily affected by the instability of the backing, affecting work and career fortunes.

When people sleep, their resistance is weak, and the defense function of the skin and respiratory system is reduced. Air-conditioned air blowing directly to the bed will not only make the body uncomfortable, but it is also easy to attract evil from Feng Shui.

The above situation needs to adjust the angle of the outlet of the air conditioner, or move the position of the sofa and the bed so that the wind comes from the side.

Feng Shui taboo air conditioning restaurant decoration home Feng Shui table electric room home Feng Shui function sofa bed home dining table home dining chair function sofa

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