For the first time in our country, we can control sex piglets

This is the female piglet born on June 20th in the breeding farm of Guangxi Institute of Animal Husbandry.

After more than four years of research and experiments, the Institute of Animal Reproduction at Guangxi University has successfully cultivated China's first batch of piglets that were separated from sex control of X and Y sperm. On June 18, the first litter of six sex-controlled male piglets was born on the Luchuan Breeding Farm of the Guangxi Institute of Animal Husbandry. On June 20th, another litter of four sex-controlled female piglets was found at Guangxi Guilin Institute of Animal Husbandry. The new variety breeding field was born successfully. This research achievement has filled China's gap in this field. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Huashe

On June 24, at the breeding farm of Guangxi Institute of Animal Husbandry, researchers looked at male piglets.

On June 24, at the breeding farm of Guangxi Institute of Animal Husbandry, researchers looked at female piglets.

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