Gathering the glorious domain of the Qijia decoration university

On July 9th, the Qijia free home inspection activities again attacked. The owners followed the website staff and professional home inspectors to the Rongyu Pterosaur Jinhe Garden, which was a small high-rise real estate that had just been delivered to the house. A group of people came to the community. The master and the owners simply exchanged views and understood the general condition of the house. Then our house inspection began.

Rongyu Pterosaur Jinhe Garden Residential Environment

The environment of the community was very good. The greenery was very comfortable. It just rained and the air was fresh. The gates of the community are also relatively stylish, with clear lanes for entry and exit, and floor spacing also meeting standards. The owners here are very satisfied with it!

The master explained that the purpose of the inspection is to give the house an experience in order to assess its current status and allow the owner to have a comprehensive, objective and accurate understanding of the situation. The figures measured by professional house inspection tools are more accurate, which ensures the professionalism of the house inspection. Today's home inspection starts with doors and windows. The master first takes out a professional measuring instrument and opens the window to carefully check the next.

The first thing that was discovered was that the doors and windows were closed. Although everybody would normally renew the doors and windows during the renovation, the problem has arisen just after the handover. Developers are still responsible. Owners can write reports and let developers rectify.

[Supervisory Experience Sharing]: In fact, the acceptance of doors and windows is mainly to check the strength and function of doors and windows. The basic requirements are:

1. Door and window frames, fans are vertical and do not bend.

2, hardware accessories: complete, correct location, strong.

3, whether the window drainage hole open. Unopened water will flow into the profile.

4. The glass has no pollution, no damage, no dust and moisture in the double glass sandwich, and the separator is even.

5, sliding doors and windows smooth, smooth surface smooth, no serious scratches, no cracking or fracture profile.

6. Sealing quality: When the doors and windows are closed, there are no obvious gaps between the fan and the frame. The sealing strip is not loose, does not come off, and is not exposed.

Therefore, we must pay special attention to these six aspects when checking, and we must also find out what is unqualified.

House inspection doors and windows entrance decoration window housing cement appliances glass floor tiles glass bricks glass door bathroom floor tiles bathroom door

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API refers to the raw materials in the production of various types of preparations, which is the active ingredient in powder,crystal and paste for medicine use through chemical synthesis,plant extract, and preparations of biotechnology institute.It is one substance or mixture during the medicine making period uut it can not be taken directly by patients.


(1) The substance(s) has pharmacological or other direct effects in the diagnose, treatment and symptom relief, or may affect the function or structure of the body.

(2) The substance is used as an ingredient or active ingredient in the producing period of final medicine.

(3) The substance is for making capsules,tablets or injection for the treatment of disease.But make it clear of dosage,take-in method and any substance causing side-effect to body.

(4) We consistently control our quality and main quality index during all period of producing and we have complete certificates to prove our quality and strict ,honest working attitude in order to make every clients of us take us as regular and permanent supplier.


(5) a.Initial raw substance,intermediate,final product name or symbol,chemical structure, molecular weight.For example,if there exists stereoscopic chemical structure,we will labor the type of structure.

b.All solvents,catalyst and reagent,etc for producing process.

c.All operating parameters in producing process (Temperature,time,pressure,PH Value, etc)

d.All controlling point in producing process.

e.List the specific amount ,operating parameters, and yield range of all reactors within to make quality controlling index clear of important process,parameters and intermediate.

Pharmaceutical Raw Materials(APIs)

Pharmaceutical Raw Materials,Pharmaceutical Grade Api,Raw Material,Medical Material


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