Home furnishings taboo pay more attention to feng shui so that women will not be injured

Residential feng shui, the best way to tailor-made according to the characteristics of the owner. However, there are also some general principles that apply, that is, in the arrangement of home, can not make some taboos on Feng Shui, otherwise they will live uncomfortably, unfavorably, and will have an adverse impact on the owner. Especially women, if home feng shui is wrong, it is likely to make women feel sad.

The bedroom must not be decorated with dazzling colors in the bedroom. It should be elegant and warm. Do not be too bright. Don't arrange it too dazzlingly. Excessive luxury. Sparkling ornaments are particularly inappropriate.

Evergreen Potted Liquor Due to the improvement of the quality of life, Evergreen potted plants are very good indoor ornaments in order to increase the greenness of the interior. However, be sure to choose plants that are evergreen, strong in vitality, and difficult to wither and defoliate.

Decoration Feng Shui corridor living room layout Feng Shui residential room home bedroom door house Feng Shui house Feng Shui door home decoration bedroom door to bedroom door

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Butt Hinge Accessories

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Door Stop Accessories

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