The new version of Zhu Zhu starring Yan Yan at home as the story of Ray Lei more mine

The new comeback star is played by newcomers. All of them are unfamiliar faces. In addition to the Qing Dynasty styling, they are basically long-jaw and gowns. Everyone looks very similar. It is not only the crape myrtle and swallow that are indistinguishable from each other, but also the five elder brothers and Xiao Jian who are described as being "embarrassed" and "hard-pressing."

Although Li Wei looks like Zhao Wei, he will find that the facial appearance is too old-fashioned. He does not have the reiki and nature of Zhao Wei's version of Swallow, and he deliberately imitates it. “Love is not enough, and there is more than a madness”, which is unacceptable to netizens.

The protagonist who let the netizen spit the trough is than the crape myrtle, and many netizens laughed that this version of crape myrtle is not like Jiangnan beauties. There is no gentleness and delicateness at all. “It is definitely not the birth of Xia Yuhe and Qianlong.”

The netizen pointed out that among the three female protagonists, only the golden locker's slightly better looking point looks more like a "mother," but it is a pity that "the master is in desperation" and "she is waiting for a lady more ugly than herself."

The new version of Zhu Zhu starring Yan Yan at home as the story of Ray Lei more mine

The new version of Zhu Zhu starring Yan Yan at home as the story of Ray Lei more mine

The new version of Zhu Zhu starring Yan Yan at home as the story of Ray Lei more mine

The new version of Zhu Zhu starring Yan Yan at home as the story of Ray Lei more mine

The new version of Zhu Zhu starring Yan Yan at home as the story of Ray Lei more mine

Star Home Furnishings

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