Precautions for safe use of pesticides

At present, farmers still use pesticides in order to ensure the normal growth of crops, but pesticides have certain harm to people. To use pesticides safely, the following points must be achieved:

(1) Use a safe applicator (with). Before spraying, check whether the spray device has “run, run, drip, leak” phenomenon. Do not use the mouth to blow the blocked nozzle, and use a toothpick, straw or water to dredge the nozzle.

(2) When blending pesticides, gloves and masks should be worn. It is strictly forbidden to mix medicines by hand. When formulating highly active herbicides, a second dilution method should be used, that is, a small amount of water is added to the medicament to form a mother liquor, and the mother liquor is diluted to a desired concentration.

(3) The pesticide application personnel should be young and middle-aged, old, young, sick and weak, and menstruating, pregnant, lactating women should not apply.

(4) Pesticide preparation points should be carried out in places that are far away from villages, water sources, food stores, livestock and well-ventilated places.

(5) Wear protective clothing such as caps, masks, glasses, rubber gloves, plastic raincoats, long-term shoes, etc. to prevent poisoning caused by sticking or inhaling the liquid. Do not spray when you are not smoking, drinking water or when you are not feeling well.

(6) The spray of the application personnel should not take too long, the spray time should not exceed 6 hours per day, and do not spray for several consecutive days. If there are symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, redness and other poisoning during the application, you should leave the scene immediately, take off the clothes contaminated with the medicine, and wash the body with soap. Those with severe symptoms of poisoning should be sent to the hospital immediately. Inadvertently touching the liquid in the spray should be washed quickly with soapy water. If it enters the eye, it should be washed immediately with saline (9 parts of salt and 1000 parts of water). After spraying, wash your face and contaminated parts with soap in time. Contaminated clothing and medical equipment should be thoroughly cleaned before storage.

(7) The crops after spraying should be marked with warning signs, especially the melons, fruits and vegetables should be inserted into the police to red card, and people and animals should be prohibited.

(8) Crops after application cannot be harvested immediately, and should be stopped within a certain number of days before harvest according to the safety interval of various pesticides in the national pesticide safety regulations, so as to avoid causing poisoning of humans and animals. The amount of pesticide residues in agricultural products.
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