What are the curtains! Home Furnishing curtains know how much maintenance articles

Everyone knows that the curtains are an important decoration in the room. Therefore, they will choose some exquisite and beautiful styles in the room as a beautiful scenery. However, even if beautiful, dirty curtains, long time hanging will inevitably be old, dust. Therefore, in order to make the curtain longer, daily maintenance and cleaning are indispensable. So how do you clean and care your daily routine so that curtains are always beautiful?

First, the daily maintenance of curtains

The maintenance of curtains can not only be a simple and crude cleaning, not only can not achieve the effect, but will shorten the service life of the curtains, so we must carefully maintain the details.

1. Curtains should generally be cleaned once a week, with particular attention to the removal of dust between fabric structures.

2. Different methods for cleaning different curtains require different methods: Normal fabric curtains can be scrubbed with a damp cloth, but dry-shrinkable fabrics or imported high-grade fabrics are recommended for dry cleaning.

3. Cleaning curtains can not use detergents containing bleaching ingredients, should be regularly cleaned every six months. Try not to dehydrate and dry. Choose natural air-dry so as not to damage the unique texture of the curtain.

4. If it is stained with stains, wipe it off with a clean rag. In order to avoid leaving a mark, it is best to wipe out the stain.

5. Curtain Beauty: After all the screens are washed clean, they can be soaked in milk for one hour, then washed and dried naturally. The color of the veil after soaking will be brighter (no bleaching).

6. If you find that the thread is loose, do not cut it by hand and use scissors to cut it.

Curtain curtains

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