Central ring intelligent lock - how to ring the ring smart lock

The penetration of smart technologies has become more and more evident in our lives. We have replaced smart phones with smart phones and smart televisions in place of ordinary televisions. These popular smart products have not only facilitated family life, but have even changed our way of life. The emergence and popularity of smart locks are in line with the development of the times. Different brands of smart locks have different functional performances. Here we will introduce you to the ring's smart locks.

Reduce risk, shake hands with NFC core technology

When other manufacturers of smart locks engage in the interconnection of the door locks and the network, the ring-in-the-loop intelligent door locks will set the entry point of the NFC core technology. NFC is a near-field wireless communication technology suitable for access control technology. It can exchange data between devices within a few centimeters. This technology has been widely used in Japan and South Korea.

The central function of the Central Ring is positioning security as the key to pursue the combination of door locks and the Internet. It is to implement the concept of "Internet-", that is, the hardware encryption and unique software encryption of the built-in key chip of the NFC technology control module. The combined solution eliminates the risk of all data being intercepted or deciphered. In addition, the Central NFC Door Lock System and the Apple, Samsung, UnionPay mobile payment system is a technology synchronization, its security performance is evident.


Reducing cumbersome and handy handshakes

The use of the ring ring intelligent door lock is very simple, as long as the special chip matched with the key smart lock is affixed to any item carried by the mobile phone, watch, purse, jewelry, car remote control, etc., it can instantly be turned into unlocked. The "key", and even the elderly or children can use it without restriction.

In order to increase the second security protection, Central Ring Central Intelligent Door Lock also has an authorized chip to unlock and a convenient backup unlocking method, even if the mobile phone or other items with a dedicated chip is lost or the special circumstances can not unlock it will not bring any unnecessary trouble.

Reduce prices and shake hands with common people

The richer people in modern life are, the more insecure their hearts are. If 880 yuan can build a safe harbor for you to protect your 1 million homes and priceless life with safety and happiness for your family, do you think it is worthwhile?

The original purpose of Central Ring's intelligent door locks is not to create a high-tech lock that has been praised by the whole world, but to contribute its own humane care to the construction of smart homes. It is locked with a smart lock. The security and laughter of the family make it affordable for every ordinary person who can use it. This is the greatest meaning of a “good” lock. For every user, bring the ring back Home is to take home safety and happiness.

Ring Central ring smart lock to user experience as the core, down-to-earth products, eliminate exaggerated marketing, save the money to advertise the real benefit to the people! Let smart locks become affordable for every family of high-tech products! If you Want to buy a high cost smart lock, ring Central is a good choice!

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